Monday, July 31, 2006

Rebels Win 3rd Place in 2006 Bronco Regionals

The Rebels team that represented the Philippines in the Asia Pacific Bronco Regional Tournament took 3rd place in this very competive event. As expected, Chinese Taipei and Taipe City took 1st and 2nd place, respectively. While our boys played their very best during the games, we simply had no chance against both Taipei teams who reportedly practices 3 hours a day 6 days a week and are housed in one school. According to Cris Day, one of the organizers of the event in Taipei, the Rebels was the best team ever that was sent by the Philippines to compete in the event.

The Rebels team is composed of former ILLAM Majors players who were initially drafted into the Little League Nationals but decided to join the Pony League tournament instead because of issues in the tournament team organization (See related story that will be posted in this site soon).

On the other hand, the ILLAM team, managed by ILLAM favorite veteran manager Vencer Viray, that competed in the Little League regional tournament in Hongkong last week reportedly finished last place following the little league point system.


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